Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Controversial Art

The Bodies Exhibit is an unique type of art. Some people
find the art controversial. The humans are actual cadavers and are in actual human-like positions. They are also naked. The people who created this exhibition take pride in their work, but it is offensive to some people.
Chris Ofili’s “Holy Virgin Mary”. In 1999, the city-funded Brooklyn Museum of Art came under fire when it exhibited a Chris Ofili painting of the Virgin Mary that featured sexually explicit cutouts covered with elephant dung. The Catholic Church, as well as New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, were outraged. Giuliani denounced the exhibit as morally offensive and threatened to cut off funding to the museum and terminate its lease if it did not cancel the exhibit that included Ofili’s painting. The city followed through and withheld the museum’s rent payment for October and filed a state lawsuit to get the lease revoked.

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